Admission policy

  • The candidate for admission must fill in the admission form prescribed by the school.

  • A written test or interview or both must be taken along with a formal meeting with the parents or carer of the students.

  • The parents or the carer must acknowledge with his /her signature to abide by the rules of the institution.

  • The school will take minimum 15 and maximum 20 students per class. But 15 is the standard size. To take more than 15, the head teacher must inform the authority.

Security policies

  • The parents or carer must inform who will pick his/her kid.

  • They also inform the school whether the student will come to school and return home by themselves or not.

  • If the parents or carer are late for half an hour three days a month, he/she will be penalized 50 taka for per day onwards.

Tuition fees payment policies

  • Tuition fees should be paid on time otherwise it has to be paid with fine in the next installment.

  • In case of difficulties, the school must be informed beforehand.

Trip policies

  • For KG-Class 3, the venues will be within Lalpur

  • For Class four –five, the venues will be within Lalpur and Bagatipara

  • For Class Six-Seven, the venues will be within Natore

  • Two teachers are responsible for the trip: Subject teacher and Arabic teacher; (the Arabic teacher is selected by the Head/Ass Head /Responsible person)

  • The class teacher leads the whole program

  • They (The Subject and another Arabic teacher) will select the venue and conduct the whole plan;

  • Maximum five parents can go to the trip. They are selected on ‘first paid first.

  • They are informed by letter before 15 days of the trip;

  • The parents’ role is to help the teachers and students;

  • The Accounts/responsible person manages the transport;

The students are told to do a small project /booklet/short presentation/short article after the trip. It will be marked out of 20.

Meeting a member of staff and Complain policy

  • If you want to meet or talk to any member of staff, you should make an appointment.

  • If it is urgent, talk to him or her before the 15 mins of the lessons start or after the school is over.

  • If there is any complain against or problem with any member of staff, first try to settle the matter with him or her personally.

  • If you it does not work or you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed, complain it to the head teacher.

  • If it does not work, please complain to the secretary or the person in charge.

  • If it does not work, please contact the Chairman.

  • If you have any objection against the Chairman, please complain it to the secretary.